Wear a respectful smile!
Satin, India: Rarely do you come across people who not only aspire to do something in life for themselves but want to contribute to the society and help others grow as well.
Satin, India:
Name: Asmin
Children: A daughter & 2 sons
Place: Hatmi Nagar, Jhunjhunu, India
Business: Tailoring
Rarely do you come across people who not only aspire to do something in life for themselves but want to contribute to the society and help others grow as well.
Asmin, aged 38, lives in Hatmi nagar, Jhunjhunu in the state of Rajasthan in India. Her family comprises of her husband Taufique and 3 children. Taufique is a daily wage labourer and stays out of home for most of the time to earn for his family. Asmin used to see her husband spending day & night out of home to work hard and earn the bread and hence wanted to support him.
Before getting married, Asmin had learnt some stitching work, but since it had been long, she again joined a stitching centre to re-brush her skills. She then availed a loan of Rs 25000 (~USD 350) from Satin and bought few sewing machines and started her own business of tailoring. Initially she hired few trained people to help her establish the business but later on she started training other girls/women from her locality, for free and then hired them in the stitching centre. These women not only learnt a skill but also started generating some income for their families as well.
She shared how her own confidence got boosted after she took the loan and now, she is looking for higher loan amount in coming months as she wants to open a full-fledged stitching learning centre in her village to train girls and then employ them as well. Her aspiration is to have every woman in the village move ahead and help their families earn a respectful livelihood.
She is really thankful to SATIN for not only making her financially independent but becoming a reason for lot of women in her village to wear a respectful smile.
Source: Satin, India. https://satincreditcare.com/