Abler Nordic Impact Report | Q3 2023
How do we measure impact? Listening to our customers through the 60 Decibels Microfinance Index is one of the key ways. Take a look at our Q3 Impact Report for our portfolio highlights and much more!
Listening to our customers at scale
Abler Nordic is a proud supporter of the second 60 Decibels Microfinance Index, after helping establish the global survey as a founding partner in 2022. This year’s index collected more than one million unique data points across 114 financial service providers, who collectively serve over 84 million clients in 32 countries.
This year we are very proud to announce that our portfolio companies Svasti Microfinance and Kenya Women Microfinance Bank placed #1 in the index in Asia and Africa, respectively. A huge congratulations to both companies for this impressive achievement!
Read more in our Q3 report
Fueling decent work and economic growth
The goal of SDG 8 is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. Abler Nordic invests in institutions providing access to financial services and microfinance loans - fueling both entrepreneurship and growing existing micro and small businesses. Credit is extended to 6 million clients for income-generating activities, and the companies in which Abler Nordic invests are important local employers.